The Axon logo is composed of the symbol (Axon Delta) and logotype (brand name). The logotype has been crafted with stylized letter-forms whose balance and symmetry complement the Axon Delta. To ensure visual integrity, always scale the logo lockup to the specified proportions. Past logos (e.g. old TASER logos) should not be used unless in a retrospective or timeline function.
The Axon logo is composed of the Axon Delta symbol and the Axon logotype. The logotype has been crafted with stylized letter-forms whose balance and symmetry complement the Axon Delta. To ensure visual integrity, always scale the logo lockup to the specified proportions. Past logos (e.g. old TASER logos) should not be used unless in a retrospective or timeline function.
The Axon logo consists of two distinguishable elements; the 'Delta' and the wordmark. In rare cases we separate the elements, however, this requires special approval from Axon's marketing department.
Safe space around the Axon logo and individual Axon Delta symbol should be equal or greater than the height of the Delta. Safe space around the Axon logotype should be equal or greater than the cap height of the A.
The placement and choice of the two elements, or combination of elements, of the logo is dependent on the use and size of the given space.
The Axon logo should be white on darker backgrounds and black on lighter backgrounds.
The Axon logo placement is dependent on the type of communication and use. Typically, we use it to close the communication at the bottom of the visual.
All Axon products including CEW devices follow the same naming convention and should use the same type-treatment. These lock-ups have special typesetting consideration. Please request the files from the marketing department.
Each product will have a custom type treatment, and will no longer be accompanied by the delta or wordmark. There are some special products that may require special logo and type treatments but this will be handled internally by Axon's marketing department.

The following icon style can be used for promotional and internal materials. If creating a new icon, keep them visually similar to the icons below.
Our hardware icon system is inspired by and follows prominent physical characteristics of product form. It aims to be bold, communicative and hard working. Each icon has an outline and fill version. Outlined versions work well at small sizes while the filled version works better in signage and marketing.

The Axon software and application icon system is contained in a rounded, square frame to differentiate it from the hardware system. Unlike hardware, software and apps are only built in a filled version.

Benton Sans is a versatile type family. We leverage contrast in size and weight to create dynamic and compelling type pairings.
Benton Sans is a versatile font ranging from thin and condensed to thick and wide. It is important to maintain these type pairings. This allows for clarity, consistency and a strong hierarchy for all communications across the entirety of the Axon brand.

It is important to maintain these type pairings. This allows for clarity, consistency and a strong hierarchy for all communications across the entire Axon brand.

We use black and white as our primary brand colors to create a confident and consistent aesthetic throughout the entirety of the brand. Our secondary color, Axon yellow, is referenced from public safety. It should be used sparingly as a point of emphasis and support to the contrast of black and white.
Use the PANTONE Matching System (PMS) when printing with spot colors. Use the CMYK values below when printing digitally. Use the RGB and HEX values below for all digital use cases.
3D renders of our products are the preferred way to showcase our products and can be used as a still image or product animation. The texturing and color of the model should reflect the actual product as closely as possible. Lighting should not flatten the look of the product but instead emphasize the design and product features.

The quality of our photography is a reflection of the quality of our company and products, and so it should always be shot professionally. It should also reflect our brand principles and showcase law enforcement as guardians, not warriors.
• Create authentic and compelling narratives.
• Depict Public Safety as calm, confident and alert.
• Make Public Safety Professionals the hero of the image.
• Create an inviting and authentic feel with realistic lighting and color.

• Depicting Law Enforcement as fierce or violent
• Shooting from unnatural angles
• Cluttered and noisy compositions that distract from the hero
• Forcing the talent to pose in unnatural ways, or express emotion that is not true to the narrative (e.g. an officer should not be engaged with the photographer while talking with community members)

Always feature a wide range of subjects (age, gender, race, body type, etc.) that reflect the true audience in public safety. Ideally the talent is real public safety professionals. If none can be found, cast models that closely depict real public safety professionals. Please note: dress, hair and makeup should feel authentic and, in itself, localize the subject to its area.
Note: Dress, hair and makeup should feel authentic and, in itself, localize the subject to its area.

Locations should capture the authentic connection of a public safety professional to their community and should not be cluttered by busy elements that distract from the subjects (e.g. tourist monuments, architectural patterns, unnatural colored lighting, etc)

3D renderings of our products are an acceptable way to showcase our products and can be used as a still or as an animation. The texturing and color of the model should reflect the actual product as closely as possible. Lighting should not flatten the look of the model but instead emphasize the design of the product.